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The Waste Management Program visa minimize the generation of waste and carry out the correct destination of the waste generated, aiming to reduce negative environmental impacts


the use oforganic and natural inputs, such as compost and biofertilizers, which reduce dependence on chemical inputs and contribute to more sustainable and ecologically correct production.

Sector of

We, at Cooproeste, are pleased to provide inputs for a planted area of approximately 50,000 hectares of crops. It is an honor to be able to contribute to the development of agriculture in our region and to guarantee the quality of the inputs we offer to our members. Together, we are working to boost agribusiness and offer efficient and sustainable solutions for the sector.

Cooproeste's Input Sector is responsible for providing the necessary inputs for the agricultural production of the cooperative members. With Cooproeste, you can buy your inputs directly from the Cooperative, with an invoice issued to Cooproeste, guaranteeing a safe and reliable purchase. In addition, Cooproeste has technicians who go into the field to provide technical assistance to members and define technological packages for fertilizers, seeds and pesticides, guaranteeing production quality. Cooproeste is concerned with sustainability and innovation, and always seeks the best practices and solutions for its members.

Industry innovations:


Cooproeste offers a soil analysis service to its members, which allows identifying the nutritional needs of the land and defining the best fertilization plan for each crop. The analysis process is simple and efficient, just collect a soil sample and send it to the Cooperative. With soil analysis, it is possible to make better use of inputs and improve crop productivity. With Cooproeste, you can have peace of mind knowing that your production is being taken care of with the best nutritional planning for the earth.

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